Carrie Schultz

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VetIQ staffing





2003 LSU SVM grad, Fighting Texas Aggie Class of 1998. Long detour in Baton Rouge and a brief stint in Belgium before returning to Texas in 2018. Extensive experience in home veterinary care for small animals, including wellness, behavior consultation, palliative care, hospice and end of life. O2ner of a house call practice for 10 years. Member of American Association of Animal Hospice and Palliative Care since the group's formation. Also member of the charter class of the Animal Hospice and Palliative Care credentialing course. Strong admirer and supporter of the Human Animal Bond and its increasingly recognized role in improving the quality of life of people and communities as well as in creating more complex paradigms in our understanding of "best practices" as not always a one size fits all thing. I'm an excellent teacher and trainer for both the pet owning public, veterinarians in training, paying clients, and support staff and I'm excited about any opportunities to teach those who are interested in learning. Knowledge is power, and I believe it's my purpose to provide the information people need to make well educated decisions they feel good about when it comes to caring for the pets they love. Currently d9ing relief work staffing but soon joining the staff of Heights Hospital for Animals as a full time associate.