Rates & Specifications

The HCVMA newsletter is published and mailed after the first of every month. Circulation is approximately 384. Deadline for ads is the 25th of the month prior to publication.

Size of Ad Specifications Specifications Annual Rate
Full Page Insert 8 ½ x 11" (Color) $384 $3456
Half Page 7 ½" x 5" (B&W) $100 $900
Quarter Page 3 ¾" x 5" (B&W) $65 $585
Business Card 2" x 3 ½" (B&W) $25 $225

The annual rate represents a 25% discount from the monthly rate over a 12 month period.

HCVMA Advertising Benefits

Advertisers will receive a complimentary copy of the newsletter with ad.

Please email the ad copy to: office@hcvma.org. Click here to print the submission form. Mail the completed form, payment with check payable to HCVMA, and the ad copy (if not emailed) to:

Ms. Shannon Mercer - Executive Secretary, HCVMA 21814 Cardinal Drive, Hockley, TX. 77447 Ph. 832-723-6386


The Full-Page Insert may be single or double sided, black & white or full color.  You must provide 384 copies of the insert for insertion into the newsletter.


The Half-Page, Quarter Page and Business Card advertising may be submitted as camera-ready artwork or text to be reformatted (editor will format the text to suit our needs).  This ad will be printed in black and white.